Open Access

Table 1

Characteristics of patients included in the study at baseline. ABPI, ankle-brachial pressure index; F, female; M, male; TcPO2, transcutaneous oxygen measurement.

Case # Age (years), sex Ulcer location Ulcer duration (months) Ulcer size at baseline (cm2) Aspect at baseline TcPO2 (mmHg) ABPI
1 87M Foot, medial aspect 12 0.5 100% F NA 0.6
2 86F Foot, medial edge 6 0.45 100% F 28 0.4
2 86F Heel 6 1.05 30%F
28 0.4
3 85F Left, medial aspect 10 9.1 10%F
7 NA
4 83M Foot, sole 2 5.6 30%F
21 0.5
5 88M Big toe, lateral aspect >18 0.99 100%F 17 0.4
6 93F Lateral malleolus 4 73.8 20%F
7 74M Foot, lateral edge >12 2.4 100%G 8 NA
8 63M Heel 7 0.7 20%F
16 0.2
9 62M Stump ulcer 1 49 20%F 27 NA
9 62M 2 weeks after femoral amputation 15 80%G 27 NA
10 89F >12 0.6 50%F
69 0.4
11 78M 1 41.2 53 0.8
12 62M 2 24 NA 0.5